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Robert i Cosmopolitian (September 2010)

Summit cleares up the rumors about BD and Eclipse DVD release

2) Lexicon touched base regarding a rumor about Renesmee’s name changing in BREAKING DAWN. It is FALSE.
3) Twi Examiner asked about Riley’s appearance in BREAKING DAWN because it was listed onXavier’s IMDb page. Riley will not appear in the BREAKING DAWN films. It is a rumor.
4) Also not confirmed is anything you have heard about the US release date of the ECLIPSE DVD. We have not announced it yet, so unless it is international and confirmed by an international distributor, it is a rumor.

Precis, som jag själv har sagt tidigare - Eclipse DVD:n har inte fått något datum än!

Werewolf boyfriend VS. Vampire Boyfriend!

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Robert Pattinson in "The Bund" Magazine

How is Robert staying healthy?

Robert Pattinson says he is eating the healthiest he ever has, thanks to a food delivery service.
Följ min blogg med bloglovinTwilight: Eclipse star Robert Pattinson can’t cook but is eating healthier than ever, thanks to a service that delivers fresh meals to his home every day.
“In Los Angeles I started using a delivery service which only delivers fresh and healthy food, Pattinson, 24, tells German newspaper Sächsische Zeitung. “Even in the morning I have a bag with healthy food delivered to me. I’ve never in my life lived as healthy as I do now.”
Robert, who lives a vagabond lifestyle because of his hectic work schedule, says there’s no place he can call home right now.
“My home consists of three suitcases which I live out of,” he says. “Everything is in there.
Unlike fitness fanatic Taylor Lautner, who works out nonstop and eats every two hours to stay buff, Pattinson is less concerned about weight and more about convenience.
“Of course I miss homemade food, but I’m on my own or on the go most of the time,” Rob admits. “And I can’t cook myself. I only just manage to make some toast. I don’t seem to have the genetic endowments for it. I’m incapable to tell what tastes good and what doesn’t.”