Näst sexigaste vampyren genom tiderna!

2. Robert Pattinson: What’s a hot vampire list without the most popular vampire in pop culture right now? Rob plays Edward Cullen in the Twilight movies and falls madly in love with Bella, a human. The love story between the two will make any woman’s heart swoon. Oh, and he sparkles.

Rösta på Robert! (/Edward)
Klicka på bilden för att komma dit man röstar, han ligger just nu under så rösta rösta rösta!! :)

Såhär skriver EW:
"Yes, folks, a battle of the beautiful that began almost a month ago with 64 entrants — vampires and werewolves, mutants and machines, aliens and other creatures (even Ms. Pac-Man!) — has been whittled down to just two combatants: The Vampire Diaries‘ Damon Salvatore and Twilight‘s Edward Cullen. So stop what you’re doing, think deeply about the most important question you’ll ask yourself all day (“Who’s hotter?) and then click through past the jump to vote for your favorite. Plus, you can click here to see the entire 64-player bracket and how it played out (then click again on the image for a zoomed-in view). Polls are open for 72 hours only, so support your candidate in battle; only one can be named the ultimate Sexy Beast!"

Såhär skriver EW:
"Yes, folks, a battle of the beautiful that began almost a month ago with 64 entrants — vampires and werewolves, mutants and machines, aliens and other creatures (even Ms. Pac-Man!) — has been whittled down to just two combatants: The Vampire Diaries‘ Damon Salvatore and Twilight‘s Edward Cullen. So stop what you’re doing, think deeply about the most important question you’ll ask yourself all day (“Who’s hotter?) and then click through past the jump to vote for your favorite. Plus, you can click here to see the entire 64-player bracket and how it played out (then click again on the image for a zoomed-in view). Polls are open for 72 hours only, so support your candidate in battle; only one can be named the ultimate Sexy Beast!"